Everything needs to move at the speed of light, right? Well, the wisdom of taking life one step at a time often gets overlooked. In the rush to achieve our goals and keep up with the hectic pace of life, we might find ourselves burning out and losing sight of what truly matters.
After all, we have been trained to cherish being busy.
Recent studies have shown, however, that slowing down and taking time for oneself facilitates a more fruitful experience of life. Slowing down to speed up, emphasizing the importance of embracing the journey, learning from every step, and finding inspiration in the unexpected.
My father Dr. Andrew Obara (PhD), explained to me that while sometimes we might feel the need to speed up and do everything at once due to the fear of missing out and pressure from other people, we actually must cherish rest time and periods of being still. For in those moments, magic is born.
The Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee Encounter:
To illustrate the importance of pacing oneself, let’s delve into a legendary encounter between two martial arts icons, Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee. The story goes that during a sparring session, Bruce Lee’s incredible speed and agility were on full display. However, Bruce Lee could not seem to block the blows of Chuck Norris, who was much slower than him.
Known for his stoic demeanor and precision, Chuck Norris observed Bruce’s movements and offered a piece of advice that transcends martial arts: “You are moving too fast, your whole timing is off, you need to slow down.”
This interaction holds profound meaning beyond the realm of combat. Chuck Norris recognized that in the pursuit of greatness, sometimes it’s essential to take a step back, reassess, and recalibrate.
Though University Lecturers, Managers, and other people under high pressure from their bosses might try to sell the idea that we need to speed up and constantly do something, we need to prioritize reflecting, resting, and planning.
People that pressure others to speed up simply have something inherently wrong with them. They have a severe case of “chronic dissatisfaction”. Once put in the position of leaders or mentors, they project this chronic dissatisfaction onto their students, mentees, or employees.
It is important to categorize external pressure by realizing which feedback is useful, and which feed back stems from the other person’s projections.
Inner peace, calm and a quiet mind are a high priority in today’s world.
I once had a lecturer who would put so much pressure on me to be God knows what.
However, ever since I entered the workforce, I have observed that most things move at the pace of the particular industry you are in, not at the pace of one person. And out of university, one must adjust to the pace their industry goes at.
The Wisdom of Slowing Down:
By slowing down, we allow ourselves the opportunity to reflect, learn, and adjust our course when necessary. This deliberate approach not only prevents burnout but also ensures that each step we take is purposeful and meaningful.
Taking life one step at a time is about making deliberate and informed choices that contribute to long-term success. It’s a strategy that allows for a more profound understanding of oneself, the environment, and the path ahead.
Finding Inspiration in Uncertainty:
Life has a way of presenting unexpected challenges and opportunities. When we rush through it, we might miss the valuable lessons hidden in those moments. By taking life one step at a time, we become more attuned to the nuances of our experiences, enabling us to extract wisdom and inspiration from even the most unexpected sources.
As we celebrate the journey of life and the lessons learned along the way, let’s heed the timeless advice of Chuck Norris to Bruce Lee: “You are moving too fast, your whole timing is off, you need to slow down.”
Embracing the art of taking life one step at a time not only ensures that we reach our destination with greater precision but also allows us to savor the richness of the journey itself.
So, let’s slow down, appreciate the present moment, and discover the power that lies in the deliberate and thoughtful steps we take toward our aspirations.
Keren Obara 2023.