Are you the right one? Is it everyone else that’s the problem? What if I told you that no body is right?
Yes, the ego’s ways (I am good and that person is bad). The ego’s voice is like a roaring lion. It tells you to fight people, hate people, gossip about people. And when the veil is lifted, you’ve done too much, you activated to much karma and you don’t know where to start in undoing it.
We are all human. We cannot escape the carnal mind. But what can we do? We can notice the carnal mind. We can control our actions, our impulses, and our desires. If someone has not attacked you, do not attack them. If someone attacks you, take a step back and let the ego mind pass by, then reflect in the attack. Once an individual can distinctly recognize their ego mind, they take a step forward in self mastery. Your desires are not you. Your complexes are not you. Seeming enemies are simply a reflection of how we see ourselves (A painful truth I learnt- as within, so without).
These problems are bigger than us. But I have found that the easiest way to dissolve karmic cycles is by controlling one’s actions. This is why Jesus said: “when someone strikes you, turn the other cheek.”
Why? Because if you respond to the attack, you will be wrapped in a karmic loop with the person. But if you turn the other cheek, you give them a chance to make their stance (as the attacker) and completely place themselves away from you. Then you are free to go on and meet better people, while the attacker, having initiated a cycle of poison within themselves, is left with an acidic heart. As a result, they are chained to the identity of the attacker, they will feel devoted to that identity and subconsciously re-enact it with other people. Closing doors for themselves until they are forced to confront their ego (which everyone must do eventually).
As for you, you will shed the skin that they attacked. You will be born a new. And you will go on, attached to no identity, free to grow, evolve and fly.
Keren Obara.
Master of Science in Management.
Founder of Keraizen.