This is a love story a law of attraction and love. So, sit down, you are in for a ride. Disclaimer - bl
Location- Vaporwave City. Earth

My heart started to beat frantically as my breath quickened. Heading towards the door I got out as fast as I could. Me having a panic attack? Santino? No way. And yet, that is
I just needed to run, I needed to get away, to escape. Ignoring the calls behind me, I quickened my pace as I wiped the tears from my eyes. Clawing at my chest, I wished for the burning ache to go away. A great burden weighed down on me.
I found myself, in the middle of the crowded sidewalk, breath heavy, neon colors spinning around me and the sounds of civilization drowning out every bit of rationality left in me.
People paced passed each other, faces glued to screens. A zombie like gait they possessed as they went about their day to day routines, the repetitiveness of it all drained and drove me to near madness. I stood there, motionless and paralyzed by pain.
I walked on, beneath the bright lights and floating cars. I had been lacking perspective, had trouble concentrating. I constantly had episodes where I felt like I did not recognize the people around me, like I was seeing them for the first time.
I hated it. I hated the place, I hated my life. Uncertainty about the future and loneliness overwhelmed me, coupled with a gnawing feeling of worthlessness and confusion.
For the past months I had felt very vague and uneasy. Everything made me anxious, though I did a great job hiding it. I hated everything. My life felt pointless, like I had no purpose. I just wished I could disappear and go somewhere that I could be free.
Father always told me to be more grateful, not everyone from our small village had the chance to study in a big city at an elite school.
“But what does he know?” I asked myself. The idiot was caught trying to steal from one of the high end stores. And once the law officials got their hands on people like us, there was no chance of getting out. I hadn’t seen my father in
three years. Perhaps he was dead, perhaps they had used him for one of their sick experiments. I didn’t care anymore.
But that was not the cause of my agony on that day. It was the weeks prior to it that had been filled with anger, rage, fear and instability. My part time job was stressing me out, school made me anxious and loneliness was eating me up from the inside.
I felt less like a human and more like a carcass. Other than that, I could not shake the feeling that I was missing something, a piece of me that had been stripped away.
During the evening class that day, I had a sharp pain in my chest. It was an indescribable feeling. The people around me, I suddenly could not recognize. My body didn’t feel like my own. I felt detached from everything.
My throat closed up. I had begun to sweat profusely. A strong presence had taken over my body for that brief moment. My limbs began to shake and spasm.
Tugging at my shirt, I had tried to ease the suffocating feeling. It didn’t work. So I ran, I ran and ended up in the middle of the city, feeling lost and stranded.
Everything was so useless and pointless, I just wanted to end it all. After all, if I disappeared, no one would notice and no one would care. I had made up my mind. I didn’t look at death as an end, but rather a beginning.
Heading towards the abandoned building at the turn, I made my way to the top.
Looking down at my phone, I noticed that the time started to change and glitch rapidly. It stopped at exactly 2.22. I could not be bothered. Heavy clouds gathered above me, a light drizzle started to pour.
Walking towards the edge of the roof, I noticed how the sky hovered over the sea of lights. A mini universe, each light representing a soul. I thought to myself, in a
few minutes, I would jump into this sea of lights and be nothing but a lifeless body on the sidewalk.
It began to rain heavily. Lightning struck and thunder roared. My chest rose and fell as I stood at the edge. I took a deep breath. This was it, my freedom awaited me. All I had to do was step forward and end the pain.
But suddenly, in a swift moment, and I cannot stress this enough, it looked as though the city had changed.
For a brief moment I was somewhere else. The atmosphere felt very different. Even the wind that blew by me felt different. It had a soothing effect and sounded like a whisper.
I heard an enchanting whistle, melting into my ears, giving me a feeling of nostalgic resonance. Beautiful and dreamlike, putting me in a trance. I knew the melody, the tune was already engraved in my mind in the same place as my
earliest memories. I just couldn’t place when or where I had heard it or who had sung it to me.
The tune made me drowsy. My eyes slowly shut and I fell backwards, into a deep slumber.
I then had a dream.
In this dream, I heard someone call out my name over and over.
Santino…..Santino…..Santino. It drew me in like a spell. Walking along a dark road in the middle of a forest, I followed this voice.
In the middle of a giant orchid sat someone dressed in all white. The enchanting sight had dark long luscious hair, bright glistening skin, captivating brown eyes and delicate lean features. I could not tell if this was a male or a female, but what stood out to me was the large pair of white wings that sprouted from the back as the enchantment looked upward toward a light that shone from above.
This person then looked at me knowingly and smiled. The smile was warm, familiar and made me feel calm inside. It was as though he/she was waiting for me to come.
“Hi, it’s been a while.” The voice was melodious and sweet.

The next day I woke up, on the same rooftop, confused as to why I had suddenly passed out like that, and perplexed by the dream that I had. Looking at my watch, I realized I had one hour to get to class.

For me, studying under a scholarship meant that I would be under strict surveillance. One wrong move from me, one class missed, one late attendance, one rude word spoken and I would be kicked out. But the other students could do as they pleased. This was just the upper class’s way of ensuring that those at the bottom stayed there.
Strangely, school that day did not carry the usual gloom that it did for me. Something just seemed different. Walking into class, I greeted the professor.
“Morning Santino.” she replied to me. The class commenced.
“We’re supposed to have a new student today, his name is Jarvien and he just moved here. Anyone come across him?” She asked. We all looked at each other confused.
“Jarvien.” I whispered. The name rang a bell.
“Oh I did, in the accounts office!” Erica, the most popular girl in school, said before turning to her friend and whispering about how he looked rich based off the clothes he wore.
“And did you tell him where the class would be?” the professor asked. “Yeah, he should be here shortly.”
Thirty minutes passed and suddenly the door opened. An electric jolt went up my spine, the hairs on my body stood on edge. An enticing aura suddenly filled the room. I had no idea why. I did not bother to look up as I was busy taking down notes on my laptop.
“Sorry I’m late miss.” A voice said and I almost jumped out of my seat. It was the same voice from my dream. Looking up, my heart stopped as I saw the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. He- he was the same face from my dream. Glass skin, fair features, lean, delicate frame and all. Shorter hair, but the exact same face I had seen. My jaw dropped. I didn’t understand how this was possible.
Scanning the room, he looked for a place to sit, eyes landing on the only free spot that was next to me.
He had a graceful gait, moving with utmost ease, it almost looked as though he was floating. I tried not to stare as he sat down. I thought to myself, “How can a person be so beautiful.”
When class ended, he was among the first people to get up. I got a chance to look at him properly. He wore a white T-shirt, blue jeans and classy black shoes. His bag was plain black, with the number 222 written boldly in white.
Everything about him looked elegant and polished. I noticed that he had quite a tiny and small frame. His body was perfectly sculpted. Apparently I was not the only one stricken by him. All the popular students flooded around him, introducing themselves, and offering to show him around.
I then made my way to the gym, since we had two free periods.
After my workout, I realized I was late for the next class. I began to panic frantically. Picking up my bag, I rushed to class without even freshening up.
He was not in. Perhaps he didn’t take the subject. Still, I couldn’t get his image off my mind.
The rest of the day went by as fast as it had started. After the evening class, I made my way out. I saw him.
There he was, standing alone, looking down at his phone, smiling. He looked up and our eyes met. His smile disappeared, he looked bothered. I could see a light shiver ran through him as he gulped. I on the other hand got goosebumps and the intensity that his eyes bore into mine. Giving a polite smile I walked off.
Part of me wanted to talk to him, but I decided not to. He would be surrounded by people any moment soon. My instinct was right, as I saw Erica run up to him and begin to chatter endlessly. Soon she was followed by a crowd of people.
Walking away to the parking lot, I realized that someone had parked their car in front of my bike, which would make it hard for me to ride away.
I scanned the area for a trace of the owner, I didn’t see anyone. Cursing under my breath, I sat on the pavement and waited, head hanging low, hoping that I wouldn’t be late for work.
Moments passed by, and I heard the melodious voice that was in my dream. “Sorry, did my car block your way?”

I looked up. It was Jarvien. He looked down at me, running his hands through his hair. So pretty. I gulped. He looked almost god-like from that angle, with the evening sun shining behind him. He smiled, a contagious and homely smile.
“N-n-no, actually, well yes it did. B-but it’s okay.” I couldn’t even comprehend what I was trying to say. I was still awe stricken by the fact that I had dreamed about him the previous night.
What awed me more was the look he gave me in that moment. It was the same look from my dream. Like he knew me, like he was calling me. He looked at me in such a fond and familiar way.
“Sorry, I was waiting for my driver. He’s here now, he’ll move the car.” He said softly.
“It’s fine, don’t worry.” I reassured as I got up, towering over him due to the height difference. I put my helmet on and sat down on to the bike, getting ready to take off.
“I’m Jarvien by the way.” He held out his hand, soft and delicate compared to mine. I took it into my own and held it firmly.
“Santino.” I replied “Nice to meet you.”
“Santino.” He repeated, causing my heart to jump. It sounded just like it did in my dream. Like a siren calling me. I got goosebumps once again. All I could do was look into his eyes, unable to utter a word. He stared deeply into mine as well, hypnotizing me and holding me in a trance. I was speechless for a brief moment.
“Have I met you before?” He asked. “I feel like I know you.” His words made me ponder. Could we have met before?
“I don’t know.” I replied, starting my bike.
“Oh well, I guess I’ll see you around then.” He said.
“Bye.” I replied quickly and rode off, the occurrences within the last 24 hours being too much for me to take in.
The fact that I had dreamed about someone that I had never met before, and the very next day that person showed up in school perplexed my every bit of understanding. The dream on its own was strange as well.
“Hi, it’s been a while.” Those words ran through my mind the entire day.

The following weeks were vaguely awkward.
We would both come to class, say a quick hi and then leave it at that. Still a greater part of me felt drawn to him. Every inch of me, felt pulled towards him.
For nights on end, my dreams were flooded with images of him. At work, at school and through everything else I did, he was stuck in my mind. It was torture. I did not understand what was happening to me.

On one occasion, I sat alone in the cafeteria reading a bunch of papers. Upon looking up, I saw him in a circle, surrounded by the popular students, talking and laughing.
Everyone looked smitten by him. I noticed the way he licked his lips and ran his fingers through his hair. My heart raced as I watched him. Then it happened, our
eyes met again. He froze for a moment, and I did too. In that brief second, I felt connected and aligned with him.
The feeling to me was magnetic and powerful. He tilted his head and raised a brow. I panicked, picked up my books and left as fast as I could.
The next day we ran into each other again, at the door to the library. I held it open for him. He said a polite thanks and smiled sweetly, inviting me to seat next to him. I went along. He then asked me to help him catch up with the lessons he had missed. I was glad to.
We didn’t study, just ended up watching hilarious videos and chattering endlessly. His energy was so contagious, made me feel like I was in a dream. This was his personality. Sanguine, dreamlike and enchanting. A contrast to my serious and introverted self.
On another occasion we ended up sitting side by side in a lecture theatre. He sat comfortably in his seat, meticulously licking a lollipop. I struggled to pay attention the entire time. The professor said something and he fell back into me, laughing. My heart flattered. We had many moments of this kind.
Suddenly I started to look forward to school. Something about his presence made school seem like a whole different place for me than what it had been before. He had such a positive aura.
On his third week of school though, he didn’t talk to me at all. He seemed bothered and confused about something. I wondered if I had done something. He completely ignored and avoided me. Me being me, I let it go.
Later that week on Friday, I decided to go do some shopping. As I walked out of the mall, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I saw him.
“Hi, it’s been a while.” He said with a smile. The same words from my dream. How is this possible? I thought to myself.
“Yeah it has.” I replied dismissively.
Raising my eyebrow and staring down at him intimidatingly. His breath hitched as he turned red and looked to the side.
Biting his lip, he looked back at me. “Well, these bags are not going to carry themselves.” he said.
Spoiled brat. I chuckled, taking his bags from him.
“Follow me.” He said, “My ride is over there. He led the way and I did as he asked. As we walked, I got that strange feeling again, the situation was too familiar.
This has happened before. I thought to myself.
It was a distant memory in my mind. I knew each and every action he was going to make. I knew that in a minute, he would look back and smile at me. I knew that after that, he would raise his hand to signal to his driver and we would get into the car. I knew too that immediately after that, he would place his hand on my neck and kiss me!
I was so confused and yet exhilarated at the same time. I did not question it, I just let it happen. I let the world around me disappear, as I took him into my arms and held him close. It felt so right, like two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together.
Every inch of my body just wanted to consume and devour him. Everything felt like a dream.
I entered a different state of consciousness as I felt his sweet lips glide effortlessly over mine. Holding on tightly to his body, I pulled him on top of me, savoring his sweet taste, intoxicated by his alluring scent.
After what felt like a lifetime, he pulled away. We were both panting heavily, he breathed into my ear. I was still a bit shaky. Running my hands through my hair, I leaned back, trying to process what had just happened.
“I’ve wanted to do that since the first time I saw you.” He said. “Yeah, me too.” I said flustered.
“I know that I’ve said this before, but I feel like I know you.” He added. “I feel like we’ve met before, sometime in the past perhaps.”
“Perhaps.” I replied, pulling him close. Craving nothing but the calming effect that holding him gave me.
We reached his place in no time. He motioned for me to come in. I carried his bags inside. It was a fancy place.
Everything looked in place and orderly. There were paintings on the wall, some from the renaissance and some from the past century. Sculptures adorned the interior as well. I got carried away looking at them. A fountain stood in the middle of it all, water springing up and forming loops of the golden ratio.
One particular image caught my attention. It was on the far left of the wall. Three simple sentences.
“You are here. You were here. You will be here.” It read.
I scrunched in utmost bewilderment, wondering what those words meant. Jarvien touched my arm and I turned around.
“My mother wants to meet you.” he said, taking my hand and leading me towards the kitchen. Everything was clear and bright, a contrast to my own dull and grubby place. There she stood, back facing towards us. Her stature was much like Jarvien’s. Her hair rested gracefully down her back.
Turning around, she walked towards us. The resemblance was striking. She looked just like Jarvien. Only darker, with indigo hair.

“Hi.” she said, with a smile just like her son’s. Her eyes glistened with another worldly charm, I could not help but ask myself. Who are these people? Why do I feel like I know them? Why do they behave as though they know me? Why do I feel so drawn to them?
“Are you going to stare or are you going to say hi back?” I heard Jarvien say, still holding on to my arm. They looked at each other, then back at me, then back at each other again and laughed.
Embarrassed, I grinned shyly and held out my hand to her. “Hi, I’m Santino. Pleasure to meet you ma’am.”
“Pleasure to meet you too. And please call me Hubur.”
Hubur, that name rang a bell.
“Do you have time for tea?” she asked.
“Well, I don’t have work today, so I guess I do.” I replied.
“Could you stay for longer after that?” Jarvien asked “Just to hang out.” Normally I wouldn’t but every bit of me screamed yes, so I agreed.
“Perfect.” Jarvien said as he walked towards the staircase. “I’ll be back in a bit.” He said.
And then it was just Hubur and I.
“We do have chairs,” she joked “feel free to sit wherever you like.”
I laughed and took the sit next to her, watching how she gracefully poured the beverage into the cup before handing it to me.
“Osman thus Sencha.” she said, “I grow it myself.”
Taking a sip, I noticed how the flowery scent awoke my senses. The tea itself gave me a light buzz and elevated feeling. It was a transcendent feeling.
“I have to admit, I’m not much of a tea guy but this is amazing.”
She chuckled, pouring herself a cup as well.
“You’re quite a handsome young man Santino, and quite tall too, you look good!” She complimented.
“Thanks,” I smiled looking down. There was a long pause.
“So tell me Santino, do you believe in the theory of alternate realities?” Hubur asked.
What a random question to ask. I thought to myself. But by then, I had already come to terms that Hubur and Jarvien were not ordinary people. There was something slightly unnatural, abnormal and yet immensely exciting about them.
“I do.” I replied plainly. “I do believe that the theory of the alternate realities is possible, yes. I think there are parallel universes relative to our own.”
“Do you think that it’s possible to travel between two dimensions? To spaces within dimensions, pockets of existence where new worlds can be formed?"
“Hubur,” I said. “I’m afraid I don’t have the answers to these questions.
“Oh but you do.” she replied.
Just when I was about to ask what she meant, Jarvien entered.
“Is she bothering you? Mom, are you bothering him?” he grabbed a can of soda from the fridge and a bag of potato chips followed by a box of chocolates.
“Jarvien,” she said, “All that sugar’s going to kill you.”
“Mom, we’re all going to die someday right? So what’s the point?”
“You have to take care of your health dear, it’s more important than you think.”
“Alright, how about this? I’m going to take a walk with Santino. When I get back, I’ll eat a salad. How does that sound?”
“Crossing my fingers to that.” She said as we made our way out.
“Yeah, you won’t catch me eating a salad out in these streets.” He joked once we were outside.
“Let’s go to the garden.” He said all excited, taking my hand and leading the way.
The different flowers and plants were arranged in what looked like a maze. It was all so pleasing to look at. And with Jarvien there walking gleefully, oversized shirt draping down his arms, everything seemed right.
For the first time in my life I felt truly present.
“Pardon my mom” he said suddenly. “She worked with my dad in quantum
research for a long time. That took a large toll on her mind. Not that she’s crazy or anything, it’s just that, it’s better to stay in shallow waters rather than get overwhelmed by the depths of the unknown.”
“I understand.” I said, squeezing his hand reassuringly.
It was only he and Stella that lived there. Along with some staff of course. Though his place was perfect, I could not help but notice a gnawing silence.
Like there was a gap in something.
“I have a question to ask you, but if you’re not comfortable answering, you don’t have to.”
“Go on.” he said.
“Where’s your father?”
He paused, making me tense up wondering if I had crossed a boundary. Heaving a sigh, he sat down. I did the same next to him.
“Santino” he said. “I’m going to tell you something very strange okay? And I’m trusting you to believe me and keep it to yourself.” He looked worried and disturbed as he said these words.
I nodded, noticing how he was clutching my hand so hard that his knuckles turned white. I brought his hands to my lips and kissed them.
“My father disappeared two years ago. We just woke up one day and he was gone. No one in our neighborhood knew where he was. Even his family did not. His online pages, research, articles, all gone. It was as though he had never existed.” Jarvien explained to me.
"He had been researching pockets of existence between dimensions. Mom thinks he got sucked into one." Jarvien said.
I put my arm around him, rubbing his shoulder.
“After that,” he continued, “I fell ill. It was a sickness that no specialist could diagnose. It left me bed ridden for about two years. I lost a lot of weight. Those two years for me are a blur, a blank space in the story of my life. I kept on having one recurring dream. One of someone jumping off a building and hitting a pavement, skull cracking open. I could not see that person’s face."
But at that age, those images frightened me. That paired with the fact that my father had disappeared and my mother was struggling, created the equivalent of hell for me.”
I held him close, not saying a word. I felt all the pain in his voice. His pain was my pain, and I just wanted him to feel safe. I wanted to hold him and protect him forever. He was so precious in all ways now that I remember. A precious gem. I had never cared for someone that much before.
“You know the weird part?” He asked. “What?”
“I don’t even know how I got healed. I only remember a stormy night. The 22nd of February last year. The rain battered so heavily against my window so violently that I thought it was going to break. I lost all my energy and blacked out. The next morning I woke up and I was fine. After that my mom sold all my dad’s inventions and we moved here. “
He looked up at me. “I know this is a lot to process I-”
“No, it’s okay,” I interrupted him, “I’m here to listen.”
We opened up a lot to each other that evening. So much that we did not even realize when it struck midnight. I told him about my mother and how she had walked out on me at a young age. I told him about how my dad had abused me all my childhood. I told him about my insecurities and worries.
About the struggles of juggling school and work at the same time. I told him all my embarrassing stories. I loved the way he laughed and giggled and the jokes I made. It felt so right just being with him that way, as though the universe had aligned and it was just us two at the center.
We watched the moon as he lay on my chest, flattering my heart. He looked distant, and lost in thought. One shooting star and I wished for a time loop to happen, so I could stay in this perfect moment forever, free of all worries, just exchanging good energy in our little bubble.
I felt something wet on my chest. He was crying!
“What the hell?” I was bewildered. “Why are you crying?”
He sat up. “I’m sorry,” he wiped his tears. “It’s just that, I have a strong fear that takes over me sometimes.”
“Of what?” I asked.
“Of death.” he replied.
I gulped. “Continue,”
“During my illness, I had a lot of near death experiences, moments when I’d slip into strange episodes, or stop breathing, some moments, my mind would go completely blank, and I’d find myself floating in a space like void, struggling to gain consciousness. Those moments were so terrifying for me. Apart from that, I’d see images of myself walking along a dark road, and getting hit by a large truck.” He shivered.
I held him tighter. My heart bled for him.
“So ever since then,” he added, “I’ve been scared of death. The fear gets hold of me at the worst moments, it paralyses me.”
I wanted to tell him not to fear, that he had me. My first instinct was to tell him not to let fear have such a powerful control over him. Other people would have told him to avoid having such thoughts or just simply ignore it. But what would that do? This was deeper than words could soothe. He had every right to feel these things.
“I do my best to avoid it and shut out my thoughts.” he said.
“Jarvien,” I said, “It’s okay to fear sometimes, it’s okay to doubt. It’s okay to have weakness and vulnerability. We are after all, human.”
“Acknowledging these feelings does not mean that we become victim to them. Rather, it helps us become aware and aligned with what is going on, so we can make peace with it and control it. The more we run from our shadow, the bigger it grows.” I added
I held his hand. “Get up.” I said. "I need you to know that fear is unreal, its simply a creation of your own imagination."
He got up. I took off my necklace, it had a symbol of a door.
“Let’s imagine this to be the door to your soul, okay? Whenever you feel scared, just picture a door opening up in you, which only I can enter.”
“Aha” he smiled.
“So you enter that door, and you’ll be safe in there, I’ll be there.”
“Both here.” I touched his chest. “And here.” I touched his head, before placing the necklace around his neck. He looked so happy, I saw something in him spark.
“Now I want you to say after me.” I said. “I’m alive.”
“I’m alive.” he repeated.
“Louder.” I said.
“I’m alive!” he shouted louder.
“Nahhh I want you to wake up the whole house! I need you to scream your lungs out.” I laughed.
“I’m alive!” He screamed with so much happiness “I’m alive! I’m alive! I’m alive!” he ran around screaming.
I saw a couple of lights turn on in the house. He stood at the top of a stone platform and screamed.
“I’m alive!! Oh my gosh I feel so alive.” He danced around gleefully as he giggled at his own silliness.
"There's nothing in this world that can scare me! I'm alive now, and I'll be alive forever more!" He shouted in absolute happiness.
I walked up to him and carried him down. He wrapped his legs around my waist, refusing to get down.
“Thank you.” he said before placing a kiss on my lips.
When dawn came, we watched the sun come up together, the most peaceful moment in my life. He yawned.
Instinctively, I picked him up.
“Show me your room.” I said. He nodded sleepily.
When we reached his room, I placed him on to the bed. As I was about to leave he tugged at my shirt. I cooed and ran my hands through his hair. I didn’t want to leave him. I wanted to stay and hold him. It was so intense, what I felt for him. No words could ever describe it. It was a deep connection, not just physical, emotional or psychological. It was something much greater.

“I’ll see you on Monday at school okay? I have work all weekend.” he nodded. I kissed his forehead and left.
I had noticed a fortunate turn of events starting from the time I dreamt about Jarvien and first saw his face. For one my life was no longer as dark as it was before. I now saw the color everywhere I went. Things at my job were going well and the people at school were a lot nicer. I had also managed to strike a deal with my landlord to move to a better apartment.
He was like a charm. A siren not leading me to my doom, but to better days. All I had to do was imagine his face, his smile, his voice and my mood would just lighten up, setting the base for lovely days.
On my way out I ran into Hubur. She looked at me and smiled. Slipping a note into my hand before making her way into the house.
Opening the note, it read in bold:
Synchronicity; The simultaneous, serendipitous, or sequential occurrence of related events with no exact cause.

What Hubur had written on the paper greatly described the experiences that I had been having since the night at the rooftop.
The events that had happened over the past few weeks seemed random but also connected at the same time. Jarvien and Hubur coming into my life was no coincidence.
The familiarity and fondness I felt towards them was not normal for people I had just met. She felt like a mother to me, and he felt like a piece of me that I had been missing.
I went home that night after work and decided to do some research on synchronicity. There were lots of scientific papers on the matter.
After my research, I wrote down in my notebook:
Synchronicity is connection.
The relation of different events to create certain outcomes. It is a strong force, not subjective to the laws of the physical realm. Rather, it plays a role in influencing the occurrence of objects in the physical realm.
Think strongly about bad things and bad things happen. Think about the good things and good things happen. Have a strong craving for a certain item and watch it make its way to you. See the same number or hear the same phrase numerous times in a day, and discover it relates to something in your life. This is synchronicity. It links different things in the universe together.
A watered down version could be the law of attraction. You attract who you are, you attract what you say and what you think. But even that does not cover the full complexity of synchronistic occurrences.
Everything is connected.
There is no such thing as a coincidence. If you want something really badly, and it comes to you, that is no coincidence. If you constantly think about something that eventually comes to you, if you constantly hear the same phrase over and over. If like me, you keep on seeing the number 222 (or any other number) everywhere you go. If you have a gnawing uneasy feeling or a hunch about something that soon comes to be, that is synchronicity at work.
That is the universe’s way of bringing things together. And we all ought to be observant.
It is greatly linked to metaphysical experiences. It is not rare for people to travel through alternate but similar realities when they experience powerful synchronistic events. Jarvien said that his life before the illness and his life after the illness felt like two opposite realities.
I compare my life now and my life before Jarvien, two opposite realities as well. My theory is, we both experienced a switch between different realities. I believe people go through this often, but they seldom realize what is happening. They just brush it off as a change of luck or a coincidence. Which makes them victims of fate.
Little do they know, that fate can be changed. Synchronicity is as active as it is passive. By actively thinking or speaking about something and concentrating on it, we bring it to us. So we don’t only have one fate. We have multiple fates and follow the one that we choose either knowingly or unknowingly.
I have read about synchronistic dreams as well. Jarvien said that he had a recurring dream about someone jumping off a building. This person was me, I am certain. In another reality I jumped and died. I believe that during his illness, parts of his mind opened up. Deep parts that should absolutely be left closed.
His vision of a car accident, that perhaps has happened or (and I really hope not) will happen.
His father’s work in the metaphysical must have catalyzed these things, as well as his own disappearance.
I lay my head to rest and images flooded through my mind. The first time I saw Jarvien, his fond smile. The way he kept on saying that he knew me, the first kiss and how it felt like I was living it for the second time.
The painting that read, “You are here, you were here, you will be here.”
I formed my own conclusion of these events. The fact that his father worked in quantum research must have caused these events to be way more intense than they were supposed to be. He and I knew each other. We had lived many lives together. Our souls were connected.
I shut my eyes, and before I trailed into slumber, I saw a door. The same door on the necklace I gave him. The door opened, and there he was. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.
As soon as I walked into school that Monday, Jarvien ran up to me and hugged me. He took my hand, led me to the bathroom and locked us both in a stall. What a way to start my morning.
I started to take him home on my bike. We were in our own world, suddenly everybody disappeared and no body mattered.
We studied together, sometimes at his place and sometimes at mine. The people at school began to ask if we were dating. He said yes and told them to mind their own business.
He had a little bit of an attitude. Sometimes he would boss me around and tell me what to do. I didn’t mind, I actually liked it, especially when he did it during intimate moments.
Months went by and we became inseparable. He was my best friend, knowing me in and out, giving me a reason to wake up every day. We were growing together, bringing out the best in each other.
One Friday, I decided to take a detour and leave the city instead. He held on tightly to me, like I was his whole world. We rode for hours until we were lost and had to struggle to find our back.
I felt truly awake, as though before I met him, I was asleep.
Jarvien was amazing. He was genuinely kind, always had a positive attitude, and always brought fun into the dull days. He was never afraid to be himself.
Although sometimes he would get carried away with his crazy side, like the time he tried to stab me with a pair of scissors during a fight- but that’s not the point. He bore every side of his personality with absolute authenticity.
He was the sun that shines after the rain. Bright and clear, giving life, giving warmth. He could turn a regular boring day into a thrilling adventure. Every little habit and gesture of his was special to me.
He really brought fun into the dull days, one thing about him was that he loved to party and have a good time. His motto in life was “We’re all going to die someday.”
So he lived life to the fullest. His energy was contagious. I found myself constantly going on adventures, trips or to parties and getting wasted with him.
Or just watching comedic videos and laughing my lungs off. I never smiled or laughed that much before in my life.
The universe had brought us together under strange circumstances But from the time I met him, my life was all him.
Perhaps I depended on him too much for my happiness. I noticed this when he fell sick and I went into a panic frenzy. Unable to sleep or eat for days. When he was happy though, I felt on top of the world. I always did my best to make him smile and laugh. He did the same for me.
This was how it was with us. When one of us was feeling down, we both felt it. In a way, we were merging into the same person. Every emotion he felt, I felt too.
It was magical. I cared about him a lot. He was, still is my life. I wanted the best for him, to see him grow, to see him thrive, to see him achieve his goals. The little things about him made my heart melt. Like the way he purred a bit in his sleep or the way he would completely refuse to ask for help getting something that he could not reach.
He brought new meaning and steadiness into my life. I felt motivated and optimistic, saw the beauty in the little things.
Something in me started to change and evolve. I was becoming a new Santino. I felt so high and elevated.
He gave me new strength to live. I was bursting with energy. It was as though I had a never ending river of life within me. He really brought happiness into my life and with all my heart and soul. I am thankful for him.
One Sunday afternoon when we lay on his bed, still slightly hung over from the party he had dragged me to the previous night, I could feel his soft breaths on my skin as he slept. My heart no longer beat at a rapid pace when I held him close to me. I had gotten used to having him around. Like my little teddy bear or something of the sort.
The curtains were closed but some light rays found their way in. A bird flew by and hovered in the air, casting its shadow against the wall. Wings spread out, it stayed there for a while before flying away.
I got off the bed and stretched a bit.
I walked towards the window and opened the curtains. Looking back at Jarvien sleeping peacefully, I got an uneasy feeling.
I turned on my phone. 22nd February. For some reason, I just did not like that date, and those numbers, 22/2. Not one day passed by, that I didn’t see the number 2 written thrice somewhere. It had started to bother me.
My thoughts were interrupted by a single piano note. I froze, looking towards the door. A beautiful tune began to play.
The whistle I had heard on that night when I was about to jump, this was the same tune.
Calmly, I walked to where it was coming from. I knew that it was Hubur, I was excited to see her. I had not met her for weeks after our last encounter. Every time I came by, she was always in her room.
It was an isolated room at the end of a corridor. Without hesitation, I opened the door.
There she was, playing the tune so gracefully and peacefully.
I felt a sense of warmth and happiness. She looked up at me and smiled, a knowing smile. I walked towards the piano and sat beside her. She continued to play the piece.
When she was finished, she looked at me.
“Hi.” she smiled, “It’s been a while.”
“It has.” I replied.
“I suppose you’ve figured out what’s going on by now.” She said.
“Yes,” I replied, “I know you and Jarvien from the past, present, as well as the future. Everything is connected. We three are entwined.”
“Good.” She said, “Let’s leave it at that for now.”
Just then Jarvien appeared at the door, hair messy and sleepy eyed. He made his way towards the piano, and sat next to me such that I was in the middle. I put my arms around both of them and they leaned in, both placing an arm around me.
The three of us sat there in harmony.
So this is what home feels like. I thought to myself.
It was on that day that I first experienced the true wholesomeness of the phenomenon called- Love. I felt love in me, I felt love in them and I felt love engulf us.
There is still more to this story. This is not the end. It’s been sixty years since all this happened, and a lot has happened during these sixty years. A lot. We've had adventures, we've had to save the world at some point. We found out more about Jarvien's abilities, and his father's wheareabouts. But these are all stories for another day.
But these were the events that made me believe in synchronicity and made me believe in love.
Two years ago, Jarvien mindlessly crossed a road, and got hit by a large truck, just as he had seen in his visions during his illness. He died on the 22nd of February. My sweet Jarvien, gone in such a gruesome way.
I will soon join him. This sickness that has taken over my elderly body has left me on my deathbed.
I look out at the snow falling and I smile. I did not know that my death would be this peaceful. I have no regrets in this life. I spent most of it with my soulmate. It was a life well lived.
I felt myself slip into unconsciousness. In front of me, I saw him. His beautiful face just as he had looked in his youth. He smiled at me. That fond and knowing smile. He reached out his hand and I took it.
“Hi,” he said “It’s been a while.”
Just like leaves blowing in the wind, we shall cross paths again, whether in thunder lightning or rain. I feel no pain. For we are connected, always and forever. Our souls will occupy new vessels. We will vaguely remember the events from this life. The universe will play its game once again.

©Keren Obara Jan 2020
Jarvien is protected by copyright and belongs to Keren Obara as stated by International copyright laws. All characters portrayed in this book are legally protected, including Kazan and Lilith.